Integrating gender equality, disability and social inc...
Over the past decade in Timor-Leste, water sanitation and hygiene (WASH) efforts have increasingly addressed gender equality, disa...
Brief Report - HALIRAS Project Reach 2023-2024
A Water for Women Extension Project named HALIRAS' implementation has helped the rural communities in Liquica, and Manufahi
Behaviour Change Communication Formative Research
WaterAid in Timor Leste has received funding through the Australian Aid Water for Women Fund to implement the project “Beyond Incl...
Increasing Access to Water for Elderly People and Peopl...
This flip chart was developed by WaterAid Timor-Leste with support from CBM Australia, with funding from Australian Aid. It has be...
Avo Izabe, a rural woman's journey in building a perman...
Avó Izabe de Jesus, a dedicated farmer who lives in Loidahar village, Liquiçá municipality. As an independent woman with children,...