Avo Izabe, a rural woman's journey in building a perman...
Avó Izabe de Jesus, a dedicated farmer who lives in Loidahar village, Liquiçá municipality. As an independent woman with children,...
Inclusive WASH facilities in Maumeta Health Post made P...
This Maumeta Health Post was established in 2012, however, this Health Post operated without good access to inclusive WASH facilit...
Woman Leadership in Rural WASH: Water User Group Lualis...
Ms. Rosa Soares, 44 years old, is the head of the GMF Lualisa water system in Gugleur Village, Maubara Administrative Post, Liquiç...
Piped water for Roberto's family in Timor-Leste
Roberto, 10, is a grade four student who lives with his family in Liquiçá municipality, Timor-Leste. In the past, Roberto used to ...
Mrs. Alsina - Equal Task Sharing in The Family
Mrs. Alsina Tavares, a 37 years old, married with 4 children, residing Hatululi sub-village, Loidahar Village of Liquiçá municipa...
Alas - Health Care Facility
José Martins da Costa, 34 years old, the head of Alas community Health Centre, residing at Alas Administrative Post, Manufahi Mun...