Socialization and Ratification of Local Law “Tara Bandu” in Hatuquessi Village
ZOn 9 of January 2025, WaterAid Timor-Leste’s team supported the implementing partner Fundasaun Hafoun Timor Lorosa’e (FHTL) in conducting the socialization and ratification of the Tarabandu law at the Hatuqessi village office, Liquiçá municipality.
The aims of this activity are to improve suco council members and community’s awareness, strengthen the implementation of local law Tarabandu, and promote the sustainable natural resource management.
Mr. Zeto Vidigal dos Santos, the Chief of Hatuquessi Village expressed his gratitude to the partners that supported the development of this local tarabandu law making the suco council members able to follow the regulations mentioned in the suco manual. It includes to leverage community knowledge and responsibility to protect the available natural resources at the village, particularly the springs.
The Director of FHTL, Mr. Álvaro António, encouraged the council members and community to implement the local law by strengthening the regulations and take real actions in socializing the local law and sanctions against those who violate it.
Representative of the Director of Forest Department Mr. João Boavida dos Santos, in his speech mentioned that it is important to protect the water sources through the local law Tarabandu. He added that, Tarabandu law will reinforce the regulations and sanctions against cases and/or crime destroying the environment particularly the trees around springs. Mr. Armindo Soares as the NGO Director underlined that the Tarabandu law reflects the village and community’s hearts, including adjustments from the municipal laws.
Sr. Rogeiro dos Santos, the Administrator of Liquiçá Post Administrative expressed his gratitude to the civil society organizations specially WaterAid Timor-Leste and FHTL to be able to bring the local authorities, municipal leaders, and community together in overseeing the Tarabandu law. He emphasized that everyone has to protect the trees, environment, and wild brids.. “WaterAid Timor-Leste and its implementing partner FHTL worked in the WASH sector, and staring to integrate the regulations under Tarabandu law to ensure the quality, and sustainability of the services” said the APA Liquiçá.
In total, there was 41 (11 women and 31men) participants coming from local authorities, municipal leaders, and local community of Hatuquessi village.