WASH Municipal Plan Review in Liquiçá

Municipal Government of Liquiçá and WaterAid Timor-Leste eam with its implementing partners FHTL, GFFTL, HAK Association, and PNBESITL held 2 days' Workshop Reviewing WASH Municipal Plan 2022-2027. All the participated institution and civil society organizations were able to strengthen the revision and with a clear position that the vision, goal, and values needs to include climate resilience, inclusive, and investment aspects.

WASH Municipal Plan Review in Liquiçá
WASH Municipal Plan Review in Liquiçá
On 26-27 of July, Municipal Government and WaterAid Team with its implementing partners FHTL, GFFTL, HAK Association, and PNBESITL held Workshop Reviewing WASH Municipal Plan 2022-2027 for 2 days in Vida Di’ak hall, Liquiçá. It was organized and led by the Municipal Government in collaboration with WASH Municipal Team that did the integrated work which consist of SMASA, SSM, Municipal Education, Agriculture and Forest, Department of Environment, PNDS, PDIM, BTL, MAE, Administrators of Posts Administrative, Chiefs of Villages, OPS, Veteran Association, Church, and civil society. The principal objective of the event is to review the WASH Municipal Plan of Liquiçá that has been implemented for 2 years, oversee the implementation of WASH Municipal Plan under the internal plan of the municipal departments, and its relevancy to the context of Climate Change and GEDSI.

The 2 days’ workshop began with the presentation by the Municipal Secretary and the President of ANAS about the Legal Base and the process of Municipal Investment Plan and Climate Change related to situation in Liquiçá and the Importance of Water Resources Management. Furthermore, it continued to point of view session from each relevant sector in municipal level reflecting to the progress and challenges of the WASH Municipal Plan, and there was also interactive detailed discussion regarding the WASH Municipal Plan using PESTLE tools.

In contextual analysis, there was many ideas related to the political, economy, social, technology, legal, and environmental situation. The result of the discussion contributed to the revision of vision, goal, and values to consider important issues like GEDSI and climate change particularly water resources management and water conservation. All the participated institution and civil society organizations were able to strengthen the revision and with a clear position that the vision, goal, and values needs to include climate resilience, inclusive, and investment aspects.

Reflecting to the assessment of the 2 years implemented WASH Municipal Plan, it consists of 4 strategic objectives: Financing, Behavior Changes in sanitation and hygiene, Climate Change, and GEDSI achieved significant changes including the actors’ efforts in municipal level, post administrative, and villages to organize reforestation program to improve the water quantity and protection of water resources, achieved Almo/Hygiene Villages declaration, investment to control WASH and inclusive physical development in communities, school and healthcare facilities.

Besides that, there was also a commitment declaration of all municipal integrated work that mentions about how each municipal services and territorial delegation committed to the importance of the WASH Municipal Plan to invest on WASH related activities as stated in WASH Municipal Plan goal that in 2027, the relevant Liquiçá municipal entities undertake collective effort and commitment to ensure sufficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable WASH.